That sucks, seems like quite an oversight really.
Oh well, thanks for the answer :)
I've hosted a game I made for a client on itch and it works great. The game is embedded into their website and they're pretty pleased with it.
Cut to a few days ago and we're talking about new features etc... I dev it, everything works great, show it off to the client, get the OK and push the new version to itch. Only to find out that the link is in fact slightly different...
This would be fine except that my client has a web dev guy who handles all their website stuff, and this dude is... well in my few interactions with him to get it on the site he isn't the most attentive. At one point more than a month past when before this guy got back to me.
So I was wondering, before I go through a lot more hassle in the future, is there a way to make the embed link permanent?